As the mid noon approached,the temperature seemed to have gained its momentum. I was full of energy to get started with the camp despite realising the slightly devastating effect of the weather there.The campsite loomed somewhere behind, just a river a bank away from the resort.Oviously, to get there, something special has to come on the way,right? There were no boats of course but there was a bridge, a long cranky bridge.The bridge stretched for about 100metres where hollow woods were supported by marginally thick ropes giving the bridge itself a very weak foundation. Any monkey business would mean a share of thrill and disgust and of course pain in the cloggy river that lies underneath.It was so exciting for some to cross the bridge that they succumbed to emotional disorder as their tears rose the river banks and their shrieks welcomed avalanches.(jusk kidding). So much about crossing a bridge,huh? what greeted us after the "ordeal" was a genuine scenary of celestial nature. Seething under the sun was a pond which surrounded the canteen,campsite, rock climbing building and interesting locations for the respective activities. From the edge of the bridge, the pond laid on the north-east just in front of the canteen which was parallel and right to the restroom.In front of my view was a valley that took a gradual turn towards right to meet the rock climbing station. Sloping down the valley was the venue for a game called the indiana jones where there will be 2 teams and each must try topple the oppostion out of the raft floating on the shallow water. Just by it was the pond. On my east stretched a long grass patch that was oviously used as pavement which lead to our campsite. After years in urban life, the smell of sweet grass was irresistible. After a good glimpse of the place, i moved on with my friends to the campsite. We were given a briefing on how the camp was going to work and what was its expectation of us. The place was also introduced thoroughly and then boys and girls marched seperate ways to their campsite to pitch their tents. The girls campsite was seperated from the boys' by bushes and a drain that required a bridge to cross.There were altogether 12 tents pitched up for let's say 220 boys! that meant 220/12=around 18 guys in each tent!! ofcourse it was crazy but that was the first cool experience of the camp. 18 people in a tent of a queen size bed. i lived that moment by moment.
I am sorry, my mood has taken a change and i so i have decided to end it right here.
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